Student presentations MTP 2004-2005

Week 5Erik van Werkhoven & Sander ScholtusCompletion of a sigma-algebra
Silvia van Brummelen & Elena GriniariCompleteness of L^p
Week 6Faustine van der Grijn & Tijs StehmannRiemann and Lebesgue integrals
Igor Stoikovic & Rene de JongeCaratheodory's lemma
Week 7Amy Wong & Jan-Jaap Oosterwijk Caratheodory's theorem
Madalina Yupari & Mari Carmen Sanz EstebanWeierstrass's approximation theorem
Week 8Rick Duursma & Rocco VerhoefA not Lebesgue (Borel) measurable set
Geert Geeven & Melanie BronkhorstExistence of Lebesgue measure
Week 9Jinxia Ma & Haiyan LiuL^2 martingales and Pythagoras
Jing Fu & Xuzhen WuSums of independent random variables
Week 10Riste Gjorgjiev and Øyvind FoshaugOptional sampling theorem
Week 11Marina Blokland & Linda van MeerkerkThe angle-bracket process
Vincent Piscaer Kolmogorov's truncation lemma and SLLN

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